Monday, June 7, 2010

GNS games online, is there a science to it all?

GSN games online are games that are available online that you can play with other people across the internet. While seemingly harmless, these games are literally designed to keep you hooked. There is actually a theory behind these GNS games online that are developed to keep you hooked and engrossed in these games. There is actually a whole GNS theory behind it.

GNS games online are games that consist of role playing. These games are set up so that within the game you have your own character who advances as you play. You actually feel like you are becoming the character that you are represented by. Initially developed for board games like Dungeons and Dragons, the sophistication of these games have grown, and exploded over the internet, exposing the novice to games and hooking gamers who have no idea how quickly they will be sucked in.

The theory behind GSN games online, developed by Ron Edwards is that the participants of these role-playing games will reinforce each other’s behaviors towards an end, and the characters are divided into three certifiers, the Gamist , the Narrativist and the Simulationist.

These games get you hooked by making you an integral part of the game itself. When playing you invest yourself into a character, in turn you become personally invested into the game, and responsible for the fail or the loss personally. They are truly high addictive games, and a brilliant way to keeping games interested and playing. These games have a story line, they make sense and are not random. When playing every move you make is deliberate and will either advance you or set you back, making it highly addictive in general.

Gaming on the internet has opened up a whole new medium of GNS games online. These games are not the equivalent to Atari, they are smart, involved, and intricate. They will get you invested and involved, just be careful because they can also become addictive by design... game show network

Tags: GSN Games Online, GSN Online Games, Play GSN, GSN Games to Play, game show network, game show games

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